Project Illuminate is dedicated to shining a light on diverse healthcare careers—particularly those that are underappreciated, misrepresented, or experiencing shortages. The project raises awareness about these essential roles while also attempting to make healthcare career exploration more accessible and engaging for students at all stages, from elementary schoolers just starting to explore their future to high schoolers looking to learn more about specific career offerings.

By breaking the focus on only the most well-known careers, Project Illuminate encourages students to delve deeper into the fascinating range of opportunities within the healthcare field.

Why It Matters

The inspiration behind this project stems from a personal journey. While pursuing my goal of becoming a geriatrician, I was struck by how often people either viewed the career negatively or didn’t recognize its significance at all, despite the aging population around us. Through these experiences, it became clear to me how many critical healthcare professions lack visibility and appreciation.

Many roles, whether focused on rare conditions, unconventional pathways, or addressing evolving medical needs, remain underrecognized despite their significance. Project Illuminate highlights these professions to bridge awareness gaps and inspire more students to explore them.

The Mission

Through an abundance of career spotlights, compiled resources, and interviews with professionals in a variety of healthcare careers, Project Illuminate aims to provide:

  • Unique insights into lesser-known professions

  • Tailored advice for aspiring healthcare students at any stage

  • A compilation of resources to help students explore the benefits, challenges, and environments of various careers, enabling them to make informed decisions

What Does The Project Offer?

Project Illuminate aims to support anyone curious about healthcare careers! This includes:

  • Students exploring healthcare fields for the first time

  • Individuals seeking guidance on how to access opportunities regardless of their financial situation, gender, age, etc.

  • Those ready to explore the many rewarding paths healthcare has to offer

Who Is This For?